The Covenant of the Members of First Baptist Church of Enterprise
First Baptist Church of Enterprise, as a part of the body of Christ, acknowledges our God-ordained covenantal relationships as a local fellowship of believers. Holding in common our doctrine, polity, and philosophy of ministry, we agree to a covenant relationship expressed in dependence upon, responsibility for, and accountability to each other by God’s grace. First Baptist Church of Enterprise also seeks covenant community with other CB Churches in our Area Association and throughout the Northwest. Therefore, we commit ourselves to one another: · In dependency, acknowledging that through this body and its members the Lord will meet our needs as we walk by faith, and He will provide opportunity for service and worship; · In responsibility devoting our gifts and abilities to the building up of His body and its members as He will nurture it and cause it to grow; · In accountability submitting ourselves with this body and its members to the authority: o Of Christ as the head of this church, o Of the Scriptures as our sole guide for faith and practice, o Of the elders of this body, and o Of this congregation as the temple of the Holy Spirit.
In acknowledgment of this covenant by the aid of the Holy Spirit, we agree to this church’s Doctrinal Statement and we submit ourselves to this church’s Standard for Character and Conduct.